Advanced Opportunities

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Get ready for the future beyond high school.

IDLA helps students prepare for life after high school, whether that involves college or starting a career. Our options for middle and high school students include unique electives, advanced placement (AP), Dual Credit (DC), and IDLA Program Pathways. IDLA Program Pathways lead students to industry certificates or a full associate’s degree program at an Idaho college or university. Dual Credit courses and advanced placement courses are both approved by participating community colleges, colleges, and universities, and these advanced opportunities allow students to earn high school credits and undergraduate credits simultaneously.

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Dual Credit Registration

To receive college credit from a Dual Credit course, students must register with both IDLA and the college or university offering the credit.

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Advanced Placement Classes

IDLA offers online Advanced Placement (AP) courses with college-level curricula, taught by IDLA teachers, which allow high school students to earn college credit.

Additional resources:

Next Steps Idaho

Next Steps Idaho is here to help get every student in the state ready for life beyond high school.

Whether you’ve got your sights set on a four-year college, community college, a certification program, career, or the military, we’re here to help — every step of the way. No matter where you are along the path to graduation, Next Steps is here to make sure your next steps are a cinch.

White Next Steps Idaho Logo
Course Transfer Idaho Logo

Course Transfer helps students navigate transfer of credit across Idaho institutions. This website was developed by Idaho’s public colleges and universities to help students plan the potential transfer of credits they have earned or intend to earn.

GEM (General Education Matriculation) courses are universally accepted across all state institutions in Idaho. Each institution requires a certain amount of credits to be earned in each category, so check each institution for specificity.